Ways to


Here at Chapel North, we are a generous church.
Generosity is part of who we are.

The Power of Generosity

Community Outreach

Chapel North is a community of real people

Join us Sunday at 10AM!

Chapel North is a community of real people

Be A Bringer Sunday 2018

Chapel North is a community of real people

Sunday Services

The large, corporate gathering of our church community every Sunday.
Service times & locations may change but our gathering is always centered
on worshipping God and connecting with others.

VOUS Crews

Crews are small gatherings of 10-15 people who meet in person or online to hang, discuss a recent Sunday message, and pray together.

Join a FB Group

Get more out of VOUS and connect with people from all around the world!

Join Service Online

Join us online for service Sundays at 10:00 AM EST
on Facebook or YouTube!

Submit Prayer Request

We believe prayer changes things and we are here
to pray with you.

Find A Community Group

At Chapel, community groups are a key aspect of personal


We now dedicate our lives to be an example of real love to real people to experience real change. We are pasionateabout helping people begin or restart a relationship with God.

Helping people know
God, find freedom
discover your purpose
and make a difference
